Piece of the PI: Newsletter
A monthly publication for the members of Prosperity Indiana
Executive Director's Letter

I have a 2-year-old. She turns 3 in “Nobember”.
And no, this is not a prayer request. Although this 40-something mom will take those too.
Instead, it’s a moment of reflection on the word “actually”. Both of my kids started getting smarter than me, or so they think, at this stage. And as a result, the word “Actually” now starts many a sentence in my home.
“Actually” used in this context implies a correction or clarification from what was previously understood and communicated. It implies knowledge on behalf of the speaker. And it implies power to change the dialogue.
While it might sound trite, it’s true: Knowledge = Power.
And what can we do if we have power? Oh nothing big. Just change the world.
Since the PI network is in the business of world changing work, we believe it’s critical that we continue to expand the knowledge of the field and grow the field, especially since the field is changing, and the work is becoming increasingly challenging and harder to break into.
Part of that means that we are looking for ways to build upon what those in the field already know. Our Real Estate 201 workshop, being held Nov 8-10, is meant to provide a deeper dive into real estate development for those who already have working knowledge and understand the basics concepts.
Another way we are strengthening the talent pipeline is through initiatives like the Jumpstart Martindale Brightwood program, which will train aspiring/new real estate developers, who are seeking a mentor to guide them through the world of residential real estate development.
In this same vein, we also offer major kudos to the Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority for releasing an RFP for the 2023 tax credit general set-aside seeking two emerging first-time Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) developers that are XBE entities “to partner with an experienced LIHTC consultant to create a housing development that addresses a community challenge”. XBE entities are those certified as a Minority Business Enterprise (MBE), Women Business Enterprise (WBE), Veteran-Owned Small Business (VOSB), or Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business (SDVOSB). An emerging, first-time LIHTC developer is defined as a developer that has never received an allocation of 4% or 9% tax credits in any state or territory. For those selected, the XBE developer will serve in the developer role and the experienced LIHTC partner will serve in a consultant role.
Doing the work this way is not the easy route.
But it actually can be the better route. So, we want to be part of and applaud those who see value in bridging the gaps in knowledge, connections, and the power to put your stamp on changing the community that you love.
We also want to lift up the amazing ways our members are strengthening our communities to ensure they are all more resilient going forward. If you have knowledge (= power) to share about how to center quality of life, quality of place, or quality of opportunity in economic development, we would love for you to consider presenting a session {hyperlink to RFP} at our 2023 summit. With your help, it could actually be our best yet!
Thanks, as always, for being a Piece of the PI network!
Jessica Love
Executive Director
We REAP prosperity by providing Resources, Engagement, Advocacy, and Programs that support our members' work!
Spotlight on Coming Attractions
Health is Wealth: Health through Work, Life, and Learning
Join us October 10 to learn more about the Mosaic Center for Work, Life and Learning. This emerging employer-driven, community-supported career pathway is making a difference in community health, workforce development, and education.
Applications Accepted Soon
PI’s Real Estate 201 Workshop is scheduled for November 8-10 in Indianapolis and will be limited to 25 participants. Applications to attend the program are forthcoming and please reach out to Marie Beason for more information.
Tools You Can Use Did you know that arts drive economic development as well as quality of life in Indiana? Check out five ways the arts can significantly impact your community!
A Fun Fact Indiana Cultural Districts generate over $600M in creative industry earnings.
2023 Summit, Join Our Board, We're Hiring, and Promote Your Events!
Mark Your Calendars for 2023 PI Summit - Save the Date, Session RFP Request, and Early Bird
The 2023 Prosperity Indiana Summit will take place on February 1-2, 2023 at the Marriott Downtown Indianapolis. The theme is Resilient Communities: Centering Quality of Life, Place, and Opportunity, and sessions are focused on housing, health, and financial empowerment.
Submit a Summit Session RFP and connect with 200-300 community leaders across the state. Deadline is October 21.
Early Bird tickets are available for purchase on October 1, 2022. Those that register before October 31 will receive $75 off the regular price of $175. Beginning November 1, members that renew their membership will receive one free ticket to summit. Join the Prosperity Indiana Board
Have an interest in advancing PI's DEIJ goals? Want to represent the farthest reaches of our state or share your unique perspective in a PI leadership role? Prosperity Indiana is actively seeking applications for new board members. While preference is given to those representing nonprofits, we welcome applications from any member.
We're Hiring!
PI is seeking a diverse pool of applicants to join our energetic team. Know a great candidate? Please share these opportunities with your network! Resumes can be sent to jobs@prosperityindiana.org.
Administrative Assistant: This is a 15-20 hour/week, hybrid position. In addition to traditional administrative skills, the ideal candidate will have a passion for providing excellent service to our team and our members.
Learning & Development Manager: Facilitate professional development opportunities for the Housing Stability Network and the related outreach partners. This position will also support broader Prosperity Indiana member capacity building by providing training and customized technical assistance, and engaging partners in outreach opportunities to expand housing stability program reach.
Communications & Fundraising Coordinator: Develop and deploy communications as it relates to PI’s mission, vision, values, programs, benefits of membership, and tell the story of impact for PI and its member organizations. This individual will play a critical role in supporting fundraising and events, including regional meetings, statehouse events, conferences, and learning opportunities.
Promote Your Events & Highlights
Let us share your upcoming events with other PI members! Send us a link to your event or initiative before the 15th of any month, and we will place in the next newsletter that emails to over 1000 community leaders across the state. Send link to Rita O'Donohue.
2023 Policy Survey, Indiana Housing Taskforce, and Advocacy Opportunities
2023 Policy Survey
Thank you to all PI members who completed our annual Policy Survey, and congratulations to the Immigrant Welcome Center, who won the drawing for a free registration to the 2023 PI Summit! All of your responses informed the Policy Committee in the creation of the 2023 PI Policy Agenda. Keep your eyes open for updates on the official release of the agenda and for news about this year’s ‘Policy & Pizza’ legislator meetings over the coming weeks.
We are currently busy working to identify legislator champions for members’ top priorities, and are also developing opportunities for members to increase their advocacy capacity and engagement over the coming year. Stay tuned!
Indiana Housing Task Force begins Thursday, September 29
The General Assembly’s Housing Task Force will hold its first meeting this Thursday, scheduled from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. EDT. The PI-convened Hoosier Housing Needs Coalition is an official task force member, and HHNC will present to the group starting about 10:45 a.m. EDT on the 29th. You can find the agenda here and watch the proceedings live at this link.
Current Advocacy Opportunities
Our partners at the National Low Income Housing Coalition have several current opportunities for organizations to sign on to increase housing affordability and stability. We would love to see a strong showing from PI members to demonstrate to Indiana’s Congressional delegation that these issues should be top priorities, including:
Opportunity Starts At Home, Because Housing Affects Us All Are you championing housing issues in your non-housing sector, such as health care, racial equity, or economic mobility? Would you like to? The Hoosier Housing Needs Coalition, convened by Prosperity Indiana, is participating in the National Low Income Housing Coalition’s “Opportunity Starts At Home” (OSAH) campaign and is seeking partnerships with organizations in Indiana. Organizations that want to partner with the Hoosier Housing Needs Coalition to share special OSAH data and reach out to policymakers about how housing affects their sector should contact Coalition Coordinator Hale Crumley about joining the OSAH Engagement Team. We’d love to have you join us! Coalition Relaunch: The Indiana Assets & Opportunity Network
Keep your eyes open and your inbox refreshed, because next week Prosperity Indiana is officially relaunching the Indiana Assets & Opportunity (A&O) Network. The A&O Network has spent the last 7 years as a leader in the asset building space on behalf of low and moderate income Hoosiers. As our 8th birthday approaches, we’re celebrating by establishing new focus areas to guide us and committing to producing even more content for you, the practitioner. The Court Watcher’s Toolkit: Evictions in Indiana To bring additional light and attention to Indiana’s ongoing eviction crisis, the Hoosier Housing Needs Coalition is pleased to announce the release of their Court Watcher’s Toolkit: Evictions in Indiana, a toolkit that enables anyone, including faith groups, community associations, or concerned individuals to become court watchers and see the evictions crisis for themselves. This simple, 5-page toolkit does not require a background in law to use and can be applied to any small claims court in the state.
The toolkit is available on HousingforHoosiers.org, the online home of the Hoosier Housing Needs Coalition, and is also designed for home printing. Information and stories collected while court watching can be shared on the site and will help the Hoosier Housing Needs Coalition raise awareness about the eviction crisis and advocate for strengthened tenant rights and sustained resources for rental assistance and eviction diversion programs.
Sponsor Piece of the PI is sponsored by the Federal Home Loan Bank of Indianapolis (FHLBI).
FREE WEBINAR: Washington Update - Connecting the Inflation Reduction Act to the Communities We Serve
On October 5 at 3:00 pm ET, National Development Council is sponsoring another in its series of virtual academies. The subject of this academy is a Washington Update. In August, Congress passed the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), which included several climate and energy-saving provisions. These include tax credit initiatives to support smaller-scale renewable energy generation in Low-Income Communities. IRA also includes $2.8 billion in grant funds through Environmental Justice Block Grants and $27 billion for a Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund. Of that amount, $8 billion is allocated low income and disadvantaged communities for use by non-profit organizations to provide technical and financial support for projects that reduce greenhouse gas and other air pollution. Lastly, the webinar will update the latest action by Congress on the Continuing Resolution and touch on the state of play for the November 8 midterm election. REGISTER NOW
HUD Secretary Fudge Announces $15 Million to Help Older Americans Age in Place
On August 30, 2022, HUD Secretary Marcia L. Fudge announced that the Department is making available $15 million to help older Americans age in place through home modifications. The funding opportunity, made available through HUD’s Older Adult Home Modification Program (OAHMP), will assist experienced nonprofit organizations, state and local governments, and public housing authorities in undertaking comprehensive programs that make safety and functional home modifications repairs and renovations to meet the needs of low-income elderly homeowners. Read HUD’s Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO). Eligible applicants can apply for funds through Grants.gov.
Twin Air Shopping Plaza RFI Opportunity
The City of Indianapolis released a real estate RFI for the redevelopment of the Twin Air shopping plaza and former drive-in movie site on the near southeast side. Responses are due Nov. 11, 2023. Click here to download more details.
Inflation Reduction Act
Signed into law earlier this month, The Inflation Reduction Act will allow owners of HUD-assisted multifamily properties to preserve tens of thousands of affordable rental homes by making them more efficient, healthier, and resilient.
To learn more please read the entire press release.
Pros and Cons of New Community Reinvestment Act Rules
New requirements proposed for the Community Reinvestment Act will be discussed by federal banking policymakers. Click here for more.
Data is Power! Complete the National Survey of Community Developers
Prosperity Indiana is a proud partner in a national study of community-based development organizations – the Grounding Values Study. The results will provide high-quality data to increase support for your work.
Check your email for a survey invitation from the Urban Institute. Or fill out this survey request form.
All respondents will be entered into a random drawing – and 100 of them will win a $100 Visa gift card.
Download the Survey Promotion Toolkit which includes several videos to choose from. The survey closes on October 21, 2022.
Community Development Block Grant Deadlines
Proposals for the second round of Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs' Community Development Block Grants are due October 21, 2022.
The following programs are currently accepting applications:
The deadline for full applications is 11:59 p.m. ET on Dec. 22, 2022.
All proposal and application submissions must be submitted through the Electronic Grants Management System. Instructions for eGMS can be found HERE.
Mark Your Calendar for NACEDA's CED Grant Program!
Join federal officials and community developers from around the country on November 29 from 11:30 - 6:00 pm (Eastern) in Washington DC for a celebration of the Community Economic Development (CED) program. It’s the only federal grant program that expands businesses and job opportunities in low-income communities by investing in community development corporations.
The celebration will include a luncheon, panel discussions, networking opportunities, and a reception to honor champions of the program. You’ll learn about a new initiative to advance economic opportunity in areas that have lost coal and fossil fuel industries.
Registration is complimentary. Watch for an agenda announcement with the registration link.
Member News, Events, and Publications
- Anthem: Community Baby Shower at Children's Museum on October 1, 2022
- Midtown Indy: Movie Night at Tarkington Park on October 1, 2022
- WellSpring Center: Dental Clinic Dedication and Open House on October 3, 2022
- Greater Indy Habitat for Humanity: World Habitat Day on October 3, 2022
- Lutheran Social Services of Indiana: Party at the Park on October 6, 2022
- Thrive Alliance: Sign up to volunteer at Ethnic Expo on October 7, 2022
- NWIRA: Diverse Women in Business on October 13, 2022
- St Joseph Missions: Annual Fundraiser on October 14, 2022
- MDwise: Super Shot Vaccination Event on October 19, 2022
- Affordable Housing Association of Indiana: Annual Conference on October 19-20, 2022
- Covering Kids & Families: Policy Summit on October 20, 2022
- Tri-Cap: Social Concerns Group Meeting on October 26, 2022 (email for more info)
- Holy Family Center: Invitation to all Prosperity Indiana Members to Tour Shelter on October 27, 2022
- ICDC: Building Community Wealth Through Cooperation on October 28-29, 2022
- Martindale Brightwood: 150 Year Celebration on October 29, 2022
- NeighborLink Indianapolis: Fall Repair Fest on October 29, 2022
- HomesteadCS: Evil on Erie on Weekends in October
- Transition Resources: Free Money Management Series in October and November, 2022
- The Veridus Group: 200 Attend Coalition for Smart Growth's Mount Comfort Development Summit
- Fair Housing Center of Central Indiana: Virtual Workshops & Trainings in October, 2022 through January 2023
- Heading Home Indiana: Monroe County Joins National Build for Zero Movement
- Catholic Charities Terre haute: Cheers for Charity Bourbon & Wine Tasting in November
- ICDC: Employee Ownership Conference on November 2, 2022
- HAND: Trivia Night on November 4, 2022
- HAND: Stay Home For Hand on November 4, 2022
- Indiana Owned: Several events beginning November 4, 2022
- United Way of Allen County: Centennial Celebration Gala on November 15, 2022
- Wellspring Center: BYOB Fundraiser on November 18
- Give Indiana: Turkey Giveaway on November 20, 2022
- First Financial: Ongoing Financial Literacy Classes- all are welcome
- Indiana County Commissioners: Annual Conference on November 28-December 1, 2022
COVID-19 & How to Stay Healthy
Prosperity Indiana's Response
Prosperity Indiana team members are operating in a hybrid work arrangement. We are hosting in-person meetings and events and traveling to member sites for in-person gatherings. Watch for more upcoming events here. We will continue to:
The best way to reach us is always via email. Here is a link to contact information for full-time staff. Prosperity Indiana is here to support you. If you have specific suggestions for webinars, FB live chats, or other resources for us to share related to COVID-19 or other topics, please reach out to our team. We will be sure to inform you of any further updates as needed. |
COVID-19 Housing Resources
For a complete list of the state's various emergency rental assistance programs, visit the Housing4Hoosiers COVID-19 Assistance & Resources page.
The Indy Affordable Modification Program (IndyAMP) allows Marion County homeowners negatively affected by COVID-19 to refinance mortgage debt at a below-market interest rate for up to 30 years. IndyAMP allows owners to remain in their homes, become current with their mortgages, and lower their monthly payments.
COVID-19 Resources for Homeowners provides information for FHA-insured mortgages on the foreclosure moratorium and how to apply for mortgage forbearance.
If you have a success story, an upcoming event, or a job opening, please let us know! Prosperity Indiana is seeking guest bloggers and success stories from our membership to broadcast across the network. We want to highlight our greatest asset, our members!
Send your stories here.
Visit our blog for more of the latest community economic development news in Indiana.
Support Prosperity Indiana while youshop with AmazonSmile!
Shopping on Amazon.com? Switch to our AmazonSmile page, and Amazon will donate a percentage of your purchase to Prosperity Indiana!
Prosperity Indiana 1099 N. Meridian Street, Suite 170, Indianapolis, IN 46204 (317) 222-1221 This email was sent to {Contact_Email}. If you no longer wish to receive email from Prosperity Indiana, click here.