Piece of the PI: Newsletter
A monthly publication for the members of Prosperity Indiana
August 2022
Executive Director's Letter

Ever have kids gang up on you to get what they want? Picture it: Kid 1 asks for something you’re not particularly inclined to do. You make that “I don’t know” grimace. Not because it’s a bad thing – it’s just not convenient and you weren’t planning on it. And then Kid 2 pipes up, “Yeah, mommy, please, can we, can we?” Now they’re jumping up and down and clapping in anticipation, before you’ve even said yes. But the momentum is so big, and you didn’t actually have a good reason to say no in the first place, so you say OK. Then they cheer, you’re the hero, and you admit to yourself that it was actually a great idea all along.
Well, I won’t go so far as to say that’s exactly how our coalitions work to achieve policy change. But I will say: Having others – especially unexpected or harder-to-say-no-to voices – saying the same thing makes it much more likely that we’ll make a difference, than if we go solo on our policy priorities. That’s why, whenever it make sense, we work with other organizations to get things done at the Statehouse and in Congress.
Since our policy focus areas have typically been related to affordable housing, asset-building, consumer protections, and maintaining or increasing the financial resources to do community economic development work, we have coalitions that we lead/co-lead/backbone that are dedicated to these priorities.
Having a new coalition builder on our team, we’re continuing the strong work we’ve already been doing with partners and working to grow the networks – and the work they’re pursuing – as needed. We’d love for you to sign up for any of the coalitions you’re not yet part of.
But before you do that, please complete our new policy survey (released today!), as it will inform everything we do – including the coalition work we’re part of – next year. The PI board is planning to approve the 2023 policy agenda on September 16. So, we have a lot of work to do between now and then to ensure the top priorities of members inform what our policy team focuses on. Gleaning those priorities starts with you, and we’re even sweetening the deal for those who respond: Anyone who responds by Tuesday, September 6 (and provides contact info) will be entered for a chance to win one free Summit registration for next year.
Please take a few minutes to complete the survey now.
If you want to be more engaged with our coalition work around affordable housing and housing stability, sign up to join the Hoosier Housing Needs Coalition. If you don’t consider yourself a housing advocate – or you see connections between your work and housing but don’t actually work in housing and are looking to learn more (or you know someone who fits that bill), Opportunity Starts at Home would be a great place to connect to our federal housing policy work. OSAH is a cross-sector campaign focused on increasing affordable housing resources for our lowest-income residents and educating policymakers and others about the need.
On the consumer protections and asset-building side of things, Hoosiers for Responsible Lending has been the lead state coalition fighting back expansions to predatory lending and pursuing payday lending reform. And then, the Indiana Assets & Opportunity Network is a place for those who focus on improving Hoosiers’ financial capability and empowerment to make connections, share innovations and best practices, and advance upstream asset-building strategies.
Follow these directions to sign up for any or all of these coalitions.
You can also reach out directly to our Coalition Coordinator Hale Crumley any time. She would love to connect and answer any questions.
And again, we need your input now on our upcoming policy priorities. So, don’t delay – please complete the survey today. (Don’t make me sic my kids on you!)
And thanks, as always, for being a Piece of the PI network!
Jessica Love
Executive Director
We REAP prosperity by providing Resources, Engagement, Advocacy, and Programs that support our members' work!
Upcoming Trainings, Tools, & Funding Opportunities
Spotlight on Coming Attractions: Health is Wealth
Are you interested in best practices at the critical intersection between health and family financial stability? Communities with a culture of health go well beyond health access and affordability by aligning programs, policies, and public/private investments to help Hoosiers be healthy, wealthy, and wise. Please do not miss the next FREE webinar in PI’s Health is Wealth webinar series, Medical Debt and Family Financial Stability.
Jumpstart Martindale Brightwood
Prosperity Indiana is proud to be a partner in Jumpstart Martindale Brightwood, a program training and mentoring aspiring developers to improve Indianapolis’ Martindale Brightwood neighborhood through affordable housing development. Class begins October 6, and applications are being accepted now. Visit Jumpstart Martindale Brightwood to learn more!
In the Works
Prosperity Indiana is putting the final touches on plans to offer a series of virtual programs to assist community development corporations (CDCs) to create an asset management plan for their organization. In addition, PI will open registration for its Real Estate 201 Workshop soon. To make sure you or your organization get a special invitation to attend these programs, please reach out to Marie Beason.
Tools You Can Use
Build Healthy Places Network has a curated collection of resources and tools to support your work at the intersection of community development and health. Check it out!
Regional Meetings & Search for New Team Members
Regional Meetings We were so glad to see so many of our members and community partners in person for our 2022 Regional Meetings! All told, we hosted 231 members and prospective members across all six events. This resulted in 18 new groups indicating interest in joining the network. Member engagement is what bolsters our strength in numbers. Thank you to all who attended and contributed to the great and invigorating discussions. If you have additional feedback on the regional meetings, please contact Rita O'Donohue.
PI is Looking for an Administrative Assistant and Capacity Building Manager
Do you know someone looking for a change? Prosperity Indiana is seeking a diverse pool of applicants to join our energetic team as Administrative Assistant. This is a 15-20 hour/week, hybrid position. In addition to traditional administrative skills, the ideal candidate will have a passion for providing excellent service to our team and our members. The Capacity Building Manager will facilitate professional development opportunities for the Housing Stability Network and the related outreach partners. The position will also support broader Prosperity Indiana member capacity building by providing training and customized technical assistance, and engaging partners in outreach opportunities to expand housing stability program reach. Please send resume to jobs@prosperityindiana.org. Member Highlight Who
DeAndre Wilson, Impact Evansville, Inc.
What Impact Evansville is working with community partners to restore a classic 1919 commercial building in the Tepe Park Neighborhood. This project is a catalyst for sustainable economic development in a marginalized area of their home city, Evansville.
What's Up
The group is made of interdependent community members standing shoulder to shoulder, and getting their hands dirty in creating tangible impact in the community. They live, eat, work, leisure, and live differently, but they care about the community and each other's well-being. Bedford Collab LLC has met their fundraising goal and is being matched by the Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority through Patronicity.
Why Once the building is restored, Bedford Collab LLC will operate a shared commercial kitchen with low overhead cost (due to a unique business model) for new and seasoned foodprepreneurs.
Send Your Events, Career Opportunities, & Other Highlights
We want to share our members' events and career opportunities. Both are highlighted in the monthly newsletter, and career opportunities are posted on our website. Send your event or job posting information to Michaela Wischmeier.
CRA Comments, New Report, and 2023 Policy Planning
Community Reinvestment Act Rulemaking
On August 5, Prosperity Indiana submitted comments on the notice of proposed rulemaking (NPR) concerning the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) regulations to federal regulators at the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, informed by our statewide membership and national partners. Prosperity Indiana also hosted a webinar providing how-to steps to make your voice heard to ensure lenders are required to reinvest equitably in our communities.
Out of Reach Report Released
In July, Prosperity Indiana and the National Low Income Housing Coalition (NLIHC) jointly released “Affordable Housing is Out of Reach and Getting More Expensive for Low-Wage Hoosiers”, the Indiana release of the national report “Out of Reach 2022: The High Cost of Housing.” Findings from this report were shared at Prosperity Indiana’s regional member meetings that tour every ‘corner’ of the state every summer. Key findings of this year’s report include:
- The hourly ‘housing wage’ needed for a Hoosier renter to afford a modest 2BR apartment at fair market value has increased to $16.97 in 2022, up from $16.57 a year ago.
- Indiana’s mean hourly renter wage of $16.61 is now $1.05 an hour lower than the average renter wage across all Midwest states, or $2,184 less per year than our Midwest counterparts. That wage gap would pay for nearly 2.5 months of the state’s fair market rent for a two-bedroom unit at $882/month.
- Nine of Indiana’s top 20 occupations pay less than the state’s housing wage. Meanwhile, Hoosiers must work an average of 94 hours per week at minimum wage to afford a modest 2-bedroom unit at fair market rent – more than workers in Illinois (76), Oregon (82), or Washington, DC (85).
2023 Policy Survey Complete PI's 2023 Policy Survey now to have your priorities rise to the top of our advocacy agenda for next year. Anyone who responds by Tuesday, September 6 (and provides contact info) will be entered for a chance to win one free Summit registration for next year.
Hoosiers for Responsible Lending
Hoosiers for Responsible Lending (HRL) was created by a network of advocates focused on consumer protections and working to empower Hoosiers who have been affected by any form of predatory lending. We raise awareness of predatory practices across Indiana in order to hold lenders accountable and create attainable pathways to wealth building for all Hoosiers.
Our alliance includes veterans organizations, faith communities, consumer groups, and social service providers who recognize both the benefits of equitable, responsible lending and the damages of predatory lending.
Learn more about HRL here. A Not-So-Fun Fact
The recently released Medical Debt in Indiana report authored by Indiana Community Action Poverty Institute, Grassroots Maternal and Child Health, and PI, and endorsed by Hoosiers for Responsible Lending shares that the burden of medical debt is particularly acute in Indiana. Indiana has the highest share of its population with debt in collections compared to its Midwest neighbors.
A&O and HRL: Groups Co-Host Learning Session
For financially vulnerable Hoosiers who can’t access traditional credit, predatory ‘payday’ financial products with quick repayment turnarounds and Annual Percentage Rates as high as 391% may seem like their only option. Join us online on September 14 at 11 a.m. ET to learn more about Indiana Community Loan Centers as a solution to this economic equity problem and how to bring the benefit (now available statewide) to your organization and community. HHNC: General Body Meeting
As fall approaches, housing policy discussions are once again in the air. All are invited to join us on Zoom on September 15 at 11 a.m. ET to hear current policy updates, get a contextual preview of what's to come for state and federal policies in 2023, learn how Prosperity Indiana is engaging other sectors and faith groups on housing issues, and network with your peers. HHNC: Coalition Supports Grassroots Multi-Sector and Multi-Faith Housing Advocacy
The Hoosier Housing Needs Coalition is helping a number of central Indiana organizations to host a three-part summit series to activate and energize grassroots movements around housing issues. Register now (in person or online) for the first summit, Housing Advocacy Summit: Evictions and Court Watching, taking place Sunday, August 28 in Indianapolis. Each of the three summits will take place at different locations, focus on different topics pertaining to housing advocacy, and feature a HHNC Steering Committee member as a mainstage speaker. A&O: A Seat At the Asset Building Table
Prosperity Indiana, as co-lead for the Indiana Assets & Opportunity Network, represents Indiana and PI members on the multi-state planning committee of the Midwest Asset Building Conference that occurs every two years. This year’s conference took place June 29 - 30 in St. Paul Minnesota and was a huge success, resulting in calls for a Midwest Asset Building Coalition. Click here to see a list of the speakers and subjects that were featured at the conference and the session recordings.
Sponsor Piece of the PI is sponsored by the Federal Home Loan Bank of Indianapolis (FHLBI).
Main Street Applications are Open
Lt. Gov. Suzanne Crouch and the Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs have announced applications are now open for the 2023 Indiana Main Street program.
Indiana communities new to the program can apply for the OCRA’s Downtown Affiliate Network (ODAN) level. Communities that already achieved the ODAN level and completed any required waiting periods are eligible to apply to the next level, Aspiring IAMS one-year program. To learn more about Indiana Main Street levels, visit in.gov/ocra/mainstreet.
Communities seeking the ODAN level must submit their Letter of Intent by 4 p.m. ET on Oct. 31, 2022.
For more information, visit in.gov/ocra/mainstreet/ or reach out to the local community liaison.
Grounding Values Survey Prosperity Indiana is a proud partner in a national study of community-based development organizations – the Grounding Values Study. The survey will ask you to provide information about your production, programs, barriers, leadership, and needs. All Grounding Values publications will report aggregate data, so your name and organization will never be reported alongside your survey responses.
The Grounding Values Study was initiated by the National Alliance of Community Economic Development Associations (NACEDA). The Urban Institute — a nonprofit and nonpartisan policy research organization — is conducting the study.
Watch for a survey invitation from the Urban Institute on September 14. The subject line will read: “Request to Participate: National Survey of Community-Based Development Organizations.” If you do not receive a survey invitation on September 14, check your spam box and then fill out the form here to receive your personalized link. The deadline to complete the survey is October 21.
Survey respondents will be entered into a random drawing to win $100 gift cards. The first respondents in each state will receive a $25 gift card.
Indiana Homeowner's Assistance Fund
The Indiana Homeowner Assistance Fund (IHAF) is a mortgage payment assistance program for eligible Hoosiers who have experienced hardship due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Indiana received $167M to assist Indiana homeowners.
Applications for IHAF are being accepted at 877GetHope.org or by calling 877-GET-HOPE for application assistance. This program is administered by the Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority (IHCDA) through a network of partners including the Indiana Foreclosure Prevention Network (IFPN).
Already applied and wondering what happens next? Click HERE for an in-depth tutorial on the application process for the IHAF program.
Final Student Loan Pause Extension Through December 31 The U.S. Department of Education announced a final extension of the pause on student loan repayment, interest, and collections through December 31, 2022. Borrowers should plan to resume payments in January 2023. Additionally, borrowers with annual income during the pandemic of under $125,000 (for individuals) or under $250,000 (for married couples or heads of households) who received a Pell Grant in college will be eligible for up to $20,000 in debt cancellation. Borrowers who met those income standards but did not receive a Pell Grant will be eligible for up to $10,000 in relief. Read more here for additional guidelines and information.
Landlords Using LLCs
According to a recent article from Shelterforce, it’s difficult to know who owns a property because corporate landlords and investors tend to structure their business as limited liability companies, or LLCs. This type of hidden ownership is linked to deteriorating housing and a lack of accountability.
Scholars who study financialization have found that large corporate investors can shape rental pricing increases, defer maintenance, decrease neighborhood stability, and increase vacancy and eviction rates. Read the article here.
COVID-19 Housing Resources
For a complete list of the state's various emergency rental assistance programs, visit the Housing4Hoosiers COVID-19 Assistance & Resources page.
The Indy Affordable Modification Program (IndyAMP) allows Marion County homeowners negatively affected by COVID-19 to refinance mortgage debt at a below-market interest rate for up to 30 years. IndyAMP allows owners to remain in their homes, become current with their mortgages, and lower their monthly payments.
COVID-19 Resources for Homeowners provides information for FHA-insured mortgages on the foreclosure moratorium and how to apply for mortgage forbearance.
Member News & Publications
COVID-19 & How to Stay Healthy
Prosperity Indiana's Response
Prosperity Indiana team members are operating in a hybrid work arrangement. We are hosting in-person meetings and events and traveling to member sites for in-person gatherings. Watch for more upcoming events here. We will continue to:
The best way to reach us is always via email. Here is a link to contact information for full-time staff. Prosperity Indiana is here to support you. If you have specific suggestions for webinars, FB live chats, or other resources for us to share related to COVID-19 or other topics, please reach out to our team. We will be sure to inform you of any further updates as needed. |
Support Prosperity Indiana while youshop with AmazonSmile!
Shopping on Amazon.com? Switch to our AmazonSmile page, and Amazon will donate a percentage of your purchase to Prosperity Indiana!
If you have a success story, an upcoming event, or a job opening, please let us know! Prosperity Indiana is seeking guest bloggers and success stories from our membership to broadcast across the network. We want to highlight our greatest asset, our members!
Send your stories here.
Visit our blog for more of the latest community economic development news in Indiana.
Prosperity Indiana 1099 N. Meridian Street, Suite 170, Indianapolis, IN 46204 (317) 222-1221 This email was sent to {Contact_Email}. If you no longer wish to receive email from Prosperity Indiana, click here.