Upcoming Events and Trainings

    • 14 Apr 2025
    • 25 Apr 2025
    • 5 sessions
    • Virtually

    Prosperity Indiana, with support from Humana and in partnership with HealthVision Midwest and Indiana Primary Health Care Association, has developed a five-module housing navigation course designed specifically for community health workers (CHWs). Housing Navigation 101 will increase community health workers’ understanding of how government-funded housing programs operate and expand community health workers’ ability to direct patients and clients to healthy housing.

    The course was created specifically for community health workers’ needs and delivered by subject matter experts in both health and affordable housing sectors. Two beta tests of the course will be conducted to ensure that the curriculum effectively meets learner needs and course goals. This is the first opportunity to participate in one of the two beta tests. 

    Primary Learning Objectives:

    • Financial Management: Participants will learn how credit scores work, how to use credit wisely, where they can pull free credit reports from, and how to determine housing affordability using housing ratios.
    • Housing Program Types: Participants will have a general understanding of federal and state housing program types. 
    • Housing Program Eligibility: Participants will have a general understanding of the eligibility requirements for each housing program.
    • Fair Market Value: Participants will learn where and how to locate HUD’s Fair Market Values in addition to understanding how these values are used within housing programs.
    • Housing Ratios: Participants will demonstrate their understanding of HUD’s Housing Ratios through practice scenarios determining affordability.
    • Tenant Rights: Participants will learn where to find legal information and/or resources, basic logistics of a lease, landlord and tenant responsibilities, and fair housing laws including how to file a housing compliant. 
    • Landlord Rights: Participants will learn where to locate legal aid resources tenant and landlord rights resources, including lease basics and whose responsibility is it to make necessary property repairs. 
    • Landlord Engagement: Participants will gain a general understanding of the importance of creating and leveraging relationships with landlords to increase housing stability for patient populations served. 
    • Resources: Participants learn the strategies to help clients remain successfully housed, including the importance of community-based partnerships and housing advocacy.


    This Training will be hosted by

    PI's Housing Stability Program Manager

    Danielle Drew

    Danielle balances training and program evaluation skills to amplify program delivery for the Indiana Emergency Rental Assistance (IERA) Housing Stability Network at Prosperity Indiana. She engages with IERA providers to increase housing counseling services and the number of certified housing counselors across Indiana.

    Danielle spent several years serving as the Family Development Coordinator and Housing Stability Coordinator at Interlocal Community Action Program (ICAP) in New Castle, Indiana. In that role she customized and implemented Financial Education, including overseeing the Individual Development Account (IDA) asset building program. Danielle spent several years providing direct client services to families in many different capacities, which gives her a deep understanding of the skills, resources, and tools needed to best serve families in need.

    Danielle Drew

    Housing Stability Program Manager


    317.222.1221 x408

    • 30 Apr 2025
    • 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
    • Englewood CDC | 57 N. Rural Street | Indianapolis, IN 45201
    • 73

    Register Now for the Faith and Housing Summit

    Indiana is experiencing a critical shortage of housing units affordable to community residents. Faith- based organizations can be a key partner in closing this gap, but are often overlooked as resources to expand the quality and quantity of community housing options.

    Session Description

    This program will feature faith-based developers discussing how to align housing development with mission and the critical collaborations required to successfully complete projects. Congregations new to the housing development space will leave with a deeper understanding of the housing development process, congregations ready to undertake a project will leave with peer advice on how to begin, and congregations with experience will leave with a network of peers to rely upon for future projects.

    Session Outline

    • Introductions/Welcoming Remarks 
    • The Role(s) Faith-Based Organizations Can Play in the Housing Space
    • How to Discern What Role Your Congregation Can Play in the Housing Space 
    • An Overview of the Affordable Housing Development Process
    • Financing for Affordable Housing
    • Lunch/Networking
    • Panel Discussion: What You Need to Know to Begin
    • Small Group Office Hours with Panelists 


    Marie Beason, Prosperity Indiana

    Josh Livingston, Englewood CDC

    David Price, Englewood CDC

    Tasha Norton, Englewood CDC

    Noah Shelton, Living Word Baptist Church

    Vince Smith, Building and Impacting Communities, Inc.

    • 01 May 2025
    • 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
    • First Baptist Church | 1515 20th Street | Bedford, IN 47421
    • 91

    Register Now for the Faith and Housing Summit

    Indiana is experiencing a critical shortage of housing units affordable to community residents. Faith- based organizations can be a key partner in closing this gap, but are often overlooked as resources to expand the quality and quantity of community housing options.

    Session Description

    This program will feature faith-based developers discussing how to align housing development with mission and the critical collaborations required to successfully complete projects. Congregations new to the housing development space will leave with a deeper understanding of the housing development process, congregations ready to undertake a project will leave with peer advice on how to begin, and congregations with experience will leave with a network of peers to rely upon for future projects.

    Session Outline

    • Introductions/Welcoming Remarks 
    • The Role(s) Faith-Based Organizations Can Play in the Housing Space
    • How to Discern What Role Your Congregation Can Play in the Housing Space 
    • An Overview of the Affordable Housing Development Process
    • Financing for Affordable Housing
    • Lunch/Networking
    • Panel Discussion: What You Need to Know to Begin
    • Small Group Office Hours with Panelists 


    Marie Beason, Prosperity Indiana

    Josh Livingston, Englewood CDC

    David Price, Englewood CDC

    Vince Smith, Building and Impacting Communities, Inc.

      Event Sponsored by:

      • 07 May 2025
      • 6:00 PM
      • 08 May 2025
      • 5:00 PM
      • 3645 River Crossing Pkwy, Indianapolis, IN 46240
      • 166

      We are excited to invite you to the 2025 Prosperity Indiana Summit, where approximately 250 community economic development professionals will converge to explore ideas and leadership strategies aimed at expanding housing and economic opportunities across Indiana. This year's theme, "Emerging Leaders, Emerging Ideas," will guide our sessions as we dive deeper into current trends and applicable strategies to address racial, health, gender, age, and economic disparities in Indiana's rural, urban, and suburban communities. 

      2025 Features:

      This year’s Summit will focus on innovative ideas to strengthen Hoosier communities, as well as dive into applicable practices to address the needs of Indiana’s community economic development talent pipeline. Attendees will benefit from thought-provoking content and engaging learning opportunities designed to inspire action and collaboration. Summit features include: 

      • Peer-created sessions, selected by PI committee members to meet participants’ needs 

      • Pre-Summit event on May 7th 

      • 30-minute Rapid Fire sessions highlighting sector best practices  

      • 75-minute Deep Dive sessions outlining strategies to meet the sector’s changing needs and workforce 

      • Awards luncheon recognizing industry leaders and exceptional professionals 

      • Ample time to network with and learn from peers

      Members, log in here first before registering for Summit.

    Prosperity Indiana
    1099 N. Meridian Street, Suite 170
    Indianapolis, IN 46204 
    Phone // 317.222.1221 
    Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software