June 1, 2023
Media Inquiries: Steven Meyer, Prosperity Indiana Board President |smeyer@IntendIndiana.org |317-417-7976
Prosperity Indiana Welcomes
Aspen Clemons as its next Executive Director
INDIANAPOLIS – Prosperity Indiana today announced that its Board of Directors has selected Aspen Clemons as the organization’s next Executive Director. She will begin her new role on June 15, 2023.

Clemons’ background uniquely positions her to assume the Executive Director role, bringing with her more than 10 years of professional experience in policy, strategy, evaluation, and programs in the areas of affordable housing, social justice, poverty, and diversity. Clemons is well-suited to strategically guide the organization forward into this next phase.
“Prosperity Indiana serves as a critical engine for increasing equity, economic mobility, and access to opportunity,” said Ms. Clemons. “I am humbled to partner with our staff, members, and Board of Directors to support community and economic development efforts throughout Indiana. I am excited about returning home to help make Indiana a place where everyone who calls it home is afforded an opportunity to thrive.”
“Ms. Clemons’ vision, passion, and approach impressed the search committee,” said Steven Meyer, Prosperity Indiana Board President. “The Board is confident that Aspen will be an inspiring leader for Prosperity Indiana members and our community partners across the state.”
Ms. Clemons holds a B.A. in Economics from Spelman College and an M.S. in Social Policy from the University of Pennsylvania. Additionally, she has an Executive Leadership Certificate from the University of Chicago. Clemons’ resume includes administrative posts working for several universities, Indiana United Ways, and the Indiana Commission for Women.
The announcement follows a search and selection process undertaken after the previous Executive Director, Jessica Love, stepped down after five years in the position.
Prosperity Indiana is a not-for-profit 501(c)3 organization formed in 1986 as the Indiana Association for Community Economic Development. PI is a network of approximately 200 organizations and individual members committed to advancing community economic development through our values of eliminating barriers, ensuring everyone has better opportunities to pursue the American Dream and prosperity for all.
Visit the Prosperity Indiana website and follow @INCommDev on Twitter.