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September Looms Large for Key Budget Negotiations (Budget Chart)

09 Aug 2017 6:46 PM | Deleted user

This summer saw key budget bills moving through the appropriations process in the House and the Senate. The House Appropriations Committee has moved forward bills pertaining to the Departments of Housing and Urban Development, Agriculture, Treasury and the Small Business Administration, and Labor and Health and Human Services.  Similarly, the Senate has started moving bills, including their proposal for the Department of Housing and Urban Development.

We have previously covered the Administration’s budget proposals, initial House and Senate hearings, and what they mean for critical community development programs on our blog. Those posts can be found by clicking the links below:

·       President's Budget Proposal Would Eliminate Funding for Critical Community Programs

·       Here We Go Again ... President's Budget Begins Fiscal Year 2018 Federal Funding Process

·       Sec. Carson Defends Administration’s Deep Cuts to Housing Programs in Testimony

Now we are focused on the steps ahead.  Prosperity Indiana’s policy team has examined agency budget justifications and these congressional proposals to highlight programs that are critical to our members to help inform our advocacy response. The comprehensive budget chart will be updated as figures are released.

What lies ahead?

Following the August recess, Congress will reconvene and have to move forward with a continuing resolution, or a stop-gap funding measure, to prevent a federal budget shutdown before the Sept. 30 deadline.   That will merely extend current funding levels, so they will also continue to work on passing their broad FY18 proposals or budget resolution.  Given that there is currently no agreement on spending caps, getting both chambers to come to an agreement on these proposals appears to be a tall order. 

If/when they can pass that resolution, Congress can move forward with budget reconciliation.  That simply means they can negotiate bills and pass them without a filibuster in the Senate.  This is key as many Republicans have expressed that they could use this process to enact key tax reform measures without confronting filibuster rules.  Funding bills circulated so far include dramatic cuts or the elimination of essential federal programs such as SNAP, TANF, child care, LIHEAP, CDBG/HOME, and AFI to name just a few.  While the Senate and the House restored some of the funding targeted in President Trump’s proposal, there are still cuts that would be devastating to Hoosiers struggling to make ends meet and organizations throughout the state working hard to build strong communities.

Please stay tuned to our blog/alerts for key updates and action alerts as we will be activating our members ahead of Congressional budget action.  We need your voice!

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