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Financial capability integration tool helping nonprofits boost lasting impact

15 Aug 2017 9:17 AM | Deleted user

“If their income stops, 44 percent of all households -- and 25 percent of middle-class households -- have less than three months of savings to draw upon without falling into poverty.”

This statistic and other eye-opening facts about the current state of family assets can be found in Strategic Philanthropy - Integrating Investments in Asset Building: A Framework for Impact.

With figures like these, even those who are gainfully employed could find themselves needing nonprofit services or resources in the aftermath of a serious life event, such as a job loss or health crisis. And this number doesn’t even include those already living below the poverty line.

At Prosperity Indiana, through our work managing the Indiana Assets & Opportunity Network, we have found that lack of access to financial planning resources is a major obstacle to achieving financial stability. As such, addressing clients’ financial capabilities – knowledge + skills + resources – and helping them build assets are critical aspects of preventing long-term or future dependence on the services nonprofits provide.

That means: Even organizations that don’t normally discuss asset-building as part of their interactions with clients are seeking out ways to do so – to better address the root causes of their clients’ needs.

Based on this need and with funding received from the Central Indiana Community Foundation, Prosperity Indiana launched a one-year pilot program in Indianapolis. It is a learning cluster of organizations focused on integrating financial capability into their client services. Participants include Coburn Place, Indiana Connected by 25, Dress for Success Indianapolis and Families First.

As part of this pilot program, we are using the model outlined in Prosperity Now’s (formerly CFED) Building Financial Capability: A Planning Guide for Integrating Services. This guide was created to help organizations assess their current programs and available community resources to build clients’ financial capability.

 Indiana Financial Capability Corps (IFCC)

 The success of the Financial Capability Learning Cluster initiative has sparked the creation of a new and expanded Network program to place AmeriCorps  members with organizations interested in integrating financial capability  services into their work.

 To expand the program in Indianapolis and statewide, Prosperity Indiana is now launching the Indiana Financial Capability Corps (IFCC). Through an  AmeriCorps  program funded by Serve Indiana, Prosperity Indiana will place 15 full-time IFCC AmeriCorps members with nonprofit organizations for a  10-month term.

 Applications for organizations interested in hosting an IFCC member are currently available. The term of service begins Oct. 2 and runs through August  of 2018.  Interested organizations should download the host-site  application here; and to learn more about the expectations for IFCC members,  click here. 

 For questions, please contact Kelsey Clayton at  AmeriCorps@prosperityindiana.org or at 317-454-8540.

Whether they already provided some financial education or none prior to joining the cluster, participants have reported that having assistance from Prosperity Indiana to walk through The Guide’s process has changed how they do their work. It has also created new optimism for the financial futures of those they serve. Lora Henderson, Education Coordinator for Families First, said the program has been valuable to broaden her knowledge of financial products and resources available to her clients and enabling her to network with other organizations who provide financial capability services.

“Financial literacy education will help our dads learn that their attitudes and behaviors around money and finances are learned behaviors wrapped in emotional spending,” Henderson said. “Having this opportunity with Prosperity Indiana will allow our dads to learn how to effectively manage their financial obligations, which will strengthen. This supports our mission to create healthier communities by strengthening families and individuals through life challenges and changes.”

Candice Brisson, Program Manager for Dress for Success Indianapolis’ Professional Women’s Group, said the integration process is increasing her organization’s internal capacity to help clients address financial stability, which ultimately impacts their career success.

“As a result of analyzing financial capability services and providers with the Indiana Assets & Opportunity Network learning cluster, Dress for Success Indianapolis is able to expand the in-house resources it will be able to offer clients and to expand its network of partner agencies,” Brisson said.

“A need for increased financial capability and education are consistently identified as the top two factors holding back our clients from achieving upward economic mobility. Financial stability is also a huge factor in employment stability. Being able to provide better resources to women taking our financial literacy class and those seeking individual financial coaching, counseling, and products will increase their chances of achieving the self-sufficiency they seek.” 

Jessica Love is the associate executive director for Prosperity Indiana and works with the executive director to provide team leadership for staff. She is responsible for developing and managing organizational systems for Prosperity Indiana to ensure effective management and control. She also provides one-on-one technical assistance to Prosperity Indiana members, informed by her media and grants management background. With 15 years experience in the nonprofit sector, Love’s consulting work focuses primarily on resource development and creating processes and tools for effective management and program compliance.

Prosperity Indiana
1099 N. Meridian Street, Suite 170
Indianapolis, IN 46204 
Phone // 317.222.1221 
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