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New Tools for Evaluating Health Outcomes from NeighborWorks America

12 Dec 2017 10:20 AM | Deleted user

In recognition of the need to apply health outcomes research to the affordable housing and community development fields, NeighborWorks America supported the research and development of the new Success Measures Health Outcome Tools. These tools are intended to help community development practitioners design projects and partnerships that address health disparities through the integration of affordable housing, community development, and health.

Any organization or community interested in how their work relates to health outcomes can benefit from the Success Measures Health Outcome Tools, including: housing and community development organizations, cross-sector community health initiatives, public health researchers, and health care institutions. The tools utilize primary data collected from residents, as well as from existing public data sources and program records. The tools are available in both English and Spanish.

The Success Measures Health Outcome Tools include surveys of:

  • Individual and Community Health Status
  • Individual Health Beliefs and Attitudes
  • Individual Health Behaviors
  • Individual Factors and Influences Related to Health
  • Community Environmental Factors Related to Health
  • Community Demographics and Social Factors Related to Health
  • Availability, Quality, and Cultural Sensitivity of Health Care Services
  • Cross-Sector Collaborations and Partnerships

Click here to read the full publication and view the tools.

Interested in learning more about the intersection of community development and community health? Join us at the 2018 Prosperity Indiana Summit on January 24th to hear experts from around the state and the country discuss strategies, partnerships, and other tools for addressing health disparities in your community. Summit sessions will include:

  • Access to Food Choices in Food Deserts
  • Transit and Community Health
  • Active Living Workshops 101
  • Perspectives on Building Healthy Places
  • Your House is Making You Sick
  • Using Community Health Needs Assessments to Engage Nonprofit Hospitals
  • Vacant Property Legal Assistance to Stabilize Neighborhoods
  • Treating the Opioid Crisis at eh Neighborhood Level
  • Leveraging Affordable Housing Policy for Healthy Communities

Dr. Lisa Harris, CEO of Eskenazi Health, will present the opening plenary remarks in the morning. David Erickson, Director of the Center for Community Development Finance at the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, will present the lunch keynote address.

Click here to register for the 2018 Prosperity Indiana Summit. 

Prosperity Indiana
1099 N. Meridian Street, Suite 170
Indianapolis, IN 46204 
Phone // 317.222.1221 
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