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Underwriting a multi-family affordable housing development is complex. Add an Affordable Housing Program (AHP) grant from FHLBank Indianapolis, and its member bank partner to the funding sources, and the alignment of underwriting standards for key stakeholders may create a more complicated financing structure.
In the Underwriting Affordable Housing Workshops, we will walk through the changes in a proposed housing development finance structure as affordable restrictions are layered into the funding source stack. Whether you are a financial institution submitting an AHP grant for a housing partner or you are an affordable housing developer/consultant, you should be confident in preparing for the underwriting portion of the funding process.
That’s why FHLBank Indianapolis is offering an Underwriting Affordable Housing Workshop.
2019 Underwriting Affordable Housing Workshop - Indianapolis, IN
FHLBank Indianapolis - Indianapolis, IN
6/4/19 - 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM ET
This workshop will walk through the unique attributes of affordable housing from a lender and funder’s perspective
Click Here to Register
Understand how bankers, investors, and soft funding source providers analyze an affordable housing real estate transaction.
Who should attend
Bankers, developers (non-profit and for profit), community foundations, housing development consultants, attorney, architects, and typical development team partners.