Another Statehouse Day is on the books and the 2020 short session of the Indiana General Assembly speeding along! This week, members walked the halls and advocated for critical policy priorities that impact their communities and clients. Legislators engaged in great conversations about the bills most important to our efforts and why it is critical state legislators take action to increase renter protections and reduce evictions, implement consumer protections to combat predatory lending, and increase access to and the supply of affordable housing. Key handouts that outline each of our top priorities can be found below.
We encourage you to contact your legislators today and speak up in support of these bills. You can find their contact information by entering your zip code on our advocacy action page.
To follow these and other top bills we are supporting, monitoring, or concerned about this session, click here for our bill tracker. This link will automatically be updated as the final bills are added this week.
We thank our members who traveled near and far to make their voices heard. Having policymakers hear from constituents about how these proposals impact work you do is exceptionally powerful.