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  • Prosperity Indiana releases new housing affordability data for legislative districts as part of Our Homes, Our Votes 2024 nonpartisan voter education and candidate engagement campaign

Prosperity Indiana releases new housing affordability data for legislative districts as part of Our Homes, Our Votes 2024 nonpartisan voter education and candidate engagement campaign

24 Sep 2024 9:49 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

INDIANAPOLIS, IN – To help members and partners elevate issues of housing and economic opportunity in the 2024 election, Prosperity Indiana has released a set of new voter education and candidate engagement tools. These tools include new data on Indiana’s housing affordability crisis made available for the first time at the state House and Senate district level. These resources are part of Prosperity Indiana’s partnership with the National Low Income Housing Coalition’s Our Homes, Our Votes 2024 campaign. 

Our Homes, Our Votes is a nonpartisan campaign to register, educate, and mobilize low-income renters and affordable housing advocates to vote. Renters, especially low-income renters, are underrepresented among voters. To build the political will for housing solutions, it is critical that organizations that work directly with low-income renters--including nonprofits, housing providers, and tenant associations--mobilize renters and other low-income people to vote. Prosperity Indiana is Indiana’s Our Homes, Our Votes affiliate organization. 

The Our Homes, Our Votes resources below are meant to aid Indiana’s community economic development organizations, coalition partners, and other community members in voter registration, education, and candidate engagement. A pair of webinars and related slides from September 2024 provide an overview of the resources available. In addition, Prosperity Indiana has sent a questionnaire on housing and economic opportunity issues to all candidates for office running for Indiana Governor and U.S. House and Senate seats, and will publish the results at ProsperityIndiana.org in mid-October. 


Nonpartisan Voter Registration: A How-To for IN Nonprofits Slide decks: League of Women VotersProsperity Indiana 

Nonpartisan Candidate Engagement: A How-To for IN Nonprofits Slide deck: National Low Income Housing Coalition and Prosperity Indiana 

Data Resources 

NEW The Gap-Indiana 2024 State Legislative District Maps 

The Gap-Indiana 2024 state report 

Indiana Congressional District Housing Profiles 

Out of Reach-Indiana 2024 

Who Pays?-Indiana 2024 

Tools & Materials 

Prosperity Indiana Our Homes, Our Votes Candidate Questionnaire 

Our Homes, Our Votes national campaign resources 

Federal Voter Registration Form: EnglishHaitian CreoleSpanish 

2024 Election Calendar Brochure 

2024 Election Checklist 

2024 Election Info Brochure 

Craft Your Message Worksheet 


About Prosperity Indiana 

The Indiana Association for Community Economic Development d/b/a Prosperity Indiana builds a better future for our communities by providing advocacy, leveraging resources, and engaging an empowered network of members to create inclusive opportunities that build assets and improve lives. Since its founding in 1986, Prosperity Indiana’s network has grown to nearly 200 organizations, representing thousands of practitioners statewide from the public, private, and nonprofit sectors. 

Prosperity Indiana
1099 N. Meridian Street, Suite 170
Indianapolis, IN 46204 
Phone // 317.222.1221 
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